What are compensation exclusions?

ParcelHero offers £50 of parcel protection for most services*, but not all goods are eligible for coverage. Items like works of art, event tickets and ovens are not eligible for compensation if they get damaged in transit, unless we issue an Excluded Item Exception.

You can see a list of our compensation exclusions for more information.

Why are these items excluded from compensation?

Works of art or event tickets are irreplaceable, and as such ineligible for coverage. Other items are not suitable for shipping by courier, unless professionally packaged, and are therefore excluded from compensation.

How do I get an excluded item exception?

We can offer parcel protection for some excluded items. In order to obtain this, you will need to make a special request, in writing, to ParcelHero. This should include a complete description of the goods, including quantity, and photos of the packaging you are using (both externally and internally), so we can assess whether the packaging is sufficient for the goods you are shipping.

Note: ParcelHero provides excluded item exceptions at our discretion, and we have the final say in whether an exception is granted or not.

*ParcelHero does not offer free parcel protection on EVRi shipments.

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