Searching for a UK address
When making a booking, you can search by street number, company name, postcode or city. Our booking system will present options to help you out.
Search by address
Search by postal code
If there are two or more matching addresses in our system, you will be asked to choose between them.
What if the system can't find my address?
If you can’t find your address on the list and are sure that you have entered your details correctly, click “Enter address manually”. This will allow you to fill in your address:
Fill in all appropriate fields. Fields marked with a star are required. If the details are similar, but don’t match, an address we know of, our system will suggest a correction.
Note: If ParcelHero cannot validate the full collection or delivery address, we will be unable to complete your booking and you will not be able to continue the booking process. This is to ensure it matches your chose courier’s records and helps avoid failed delivery.
Entering international addresses
To find an international address, you should start with the postcode (zip code). Once you have entered the postcode, you can continue typing your address and select it from the drop-down box when you find it.
Just like a domestic shipment, you can choose to enter the address manually. Make sure to fill in the fields marked with a star, along with any more information you can provide.
Why do you need my phone number and email address?
Once you have filled in your collection and delivery addresses, you will be asked for the contact details of the sender and recipient.
We ask for your phone number so that we can contact you or your recipient if the carrier encounters difficulties during the collection or delivery process.
We ask for your email address so that we can keep you up to date on your order, and the progress your parcel is making towards its destination. Providing an email address for your recipient is optional but recommended.
eBay doesn’t provide me with the recipient’s phone number. What do I do?
If you’re shipping a package that you’ve sold on a marketplace such as eBay, you may not have the recipient’s phone number. If this is the case, you can put your own phone number down during the booking process. Keep in mind, however, that you may be contacted if the delivering carrier encounters difficulties making the delivery.