Occasionally there are additional charges that become due on your shipment. This is the case in the following circumstances:
Your shipment is undeliverable
If, for any reason, the shipment you send is undeliverable, it will be returned to you, and you will need to pay for the cost of the return shipping.
Your shipment may be undeliverable if:
- You have entered an address that the courier can’t find
- You are shipping prohibited goods
- You miss-declare the contents of your international package as documents when it contains goods. Learn more
- The recipient refuses to pay customs duties or fees
Import duty or tax is payable.
If you are sending an international shipment, it will have to clear customs and may have customs charges applied. This is dependent on the receiver country, the value of the package, and the reason you’re sending the goods. Customs charges are typically paid by the recipient of the shipment.
To find out more, and see whether you may be affected, visit our customs page.
The dimensions or weight provided are inaccurate
ParcelHero provides you with a quote based on the dimensions and weight that you provide. If the courier audits your package and finds your dimensions and weight to be inaccurate, this will increase the cost of shipping, which we will then charge to you by issuing a ‘weight adjustment charge’
Find out how to measure your parcel accurately
Can I dispute a weight adjustment charge?
When you are issued with a weight adjustment charge, you can dispute the charge by contacting us within seven days.
How do I pay the additional charges?
If additional payment is due, ParcelHero will normally take payment from your original payment method but you can choose to pay using a different method if you wish. Please note we don’t store your payment details or any personal information – we only store a payment token from our payment provider.