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Making a booking
Booking help
10 article
Can you always deliver to a residential address?
How do I weigh and measure my parcel?
The website doesn't seem to be working what can I do?
The address does not have a postcode, but it won't let me continue without one?
Why do you need my contact information?
How do I make sure I have the right address?
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Make changes to my shipment
6 article
What happens if I entered the incorrect weight or dimensions when I booked my shipment?
How to change any details on your shipment prior to collection
Can I change the phone number on my booking before collection?
Can I change the phone number on my booking?
Can I purchase parcel protection after I have made my booking?
Can I change my booking from a drop off service to a door-to-door service?
Query not answered?
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Rounding up for Great Ormond Street Hospital
The payment page is hanging, and I am unable to complete the transaction. What do I do?
How do I top up my wallet?
My payment failed but it doesn't tell me the reason, what do I do?
Has my payment been received?
Why haven't my card details saved?
View all articles (11)